Key Features and Values
– Same sample type can be used across all assays to simplify inclusion into routine serology work-up
– Ready to use reagents reduces hands-on time for assay preparation
– Long shelf life cost-effective solution by reducing wastage due to expired kits
– Suitable for inclusion on automated plate systems simplifies scale-up of test volume
– Supported by a complete panel of assays for supporting treatment monitoring of several forms of cancer
Product Description
CA125 ELISA kit is an immunoenzymatic colorimetric method for the quantitative determination of the tumoral antigen CA125 concentration in human serum or plasma. CA125 ELISA kit is intended for laboratory use only.
Scientific Description
1. Zamcheck N, Adv Intern Med, 19, 413 (1974)
2. Rayncao G, Chu TM, JAMA, 220, 381 (1972)
3. Harrison, Priciples of Internal Medicine., McGraw Hill Book Company, New York. 12th. Ed.
4. Wild D, The Immunoassay Handbook., Stockton Press (1994)
5. Hasholzner U, Tumor Diagnosis & Ther 15:114-117 (1994)
6. Hasholzner U, Int J Cancer 69:329-34 (1996)
7. Ovarian Cancer–NIH Conference. JAMA 273:491-497 (1995)
8. Daoud E. Clin Chem 37:1968-74 (1991)
9. De Bruijn HWA, Curr Opin Gynecol 9:8-13 (1997)
10. Sikorska H, Cancer Detection Preview 12:321-355 (1988)
11. NIH CA125 Ann.Inter.Med. 94:407-409 (1981)