Key Features and Values
– Same sample type can be used across all assays to simplify inclusion into routine serology work-up
– Ready to use reagents reduces hands-on time for assay preparation
– Long shelf life cost-effective solution by reducing wastage due to expired kits
– Suitable for inclusion on automated plate systems simplifies scale-up of test volume
– Supported by a complete panel of assays for diagnosis of thrombosis risk associated with SLE and APS
Product Description
Anti Cardiolipin IgM kit is an indirect solid phase immunoassay kit for the quantitative measurement of IgM class auto-antibodies directed against Cardiolipin-β2-glycoprotein complex in human serum or plasma. The assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only as an aid in the diagnosis of increased risk of thrombosis in patients with Systemic Lupus Eritematosus (SLE) or similar disorders. Anti Cardiolipin IgM kit is intended for laboratory use only.
Scientific Description
1. Hughes G.R.V., Harris E.N., Gharavi A.E.: The AntiCardiolipina Syndrome. J. Rheumat. 13, 3: 486-489, 1986.
2. Harris E.N. et al.: Evaluation of the anti-Cardiolipn antibody test: report of an international Workshop held 4 April 1986. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 68: 215-222, 1987.
3. Domke N., Siegert G.: Phospholipidantikörper und ihre klinische Bedeutung. Zeitschrift für Klinische Medizin 16: 1399-1401, 1988.
4. Pengo V. et al.: Immunological Specificity and Mechanism of Action of IgG Lupus Anticoagulants. Blood, Vol. 70. N. 1: 69-76, 1987.