Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase IgG

Key Features and Values

– Wide variety of sample types to simplify inclusion into routine serology work-up
– No observed matrix effect in paediatric samples excludes pre-treatment steps
– Ready to use reagents reduces hands-on time for assay preparation
– Long shelf life cost-effective solution by reducing wastage due to expired kits
– Suitable for inclusion on automated plate systems simplifies scale-up of test volume

Product Description

Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG is an indirect solid phase enzyme immunometric assay (ELISA) kit designed for the quantitative measurement of IgG class antibodies directed against tissue transglutaminase in human serum or plasma.  The assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only as an aid in the diagnosis of coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.  Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG kit is intended for laboratory use only.

Scientific Description
Coeliac disease is characterised by chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and flattening of the epithelium or positive (villous atrophy).  The cause of coeliac disease is an intolerance to gluten, the protein of wheat, rye and barley.  The main symptoms are diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems, anemia, fatigue, psychiatric problems and other diverse side effects.  In some cases patients may be asymptomatic1.
Clinical and mucosal recovery after institution of a gluten free diet is objective evidence that the enteropathy is gluten induced2.  Diagnosis of coeliac disease is confirmed by abnormal findings on the small bowel biopsy and later verified by the clinical response to a gluten-free diet, i.e. the avoidance of wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale.  Left untreated patients suffering from coeliac disease have an increased risk of lymphoma or gastrointestinal neoplasm.  Furthermore, even if clinically silent, longstanding untreated coeliac disease predisposes for other autoimmune diseases, like diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid diseases, autoimmune hepatitis or thyroiditis.
The European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (ESPGAN) developed guidelines for the coeliac disease diagnosis, including: a) an initial positive gut biopsy, b) 6 months on a gluten-free diet, c) a negative second gut biopsy, d) a gluten challenge for 6 months, e) a positive third gut biopsy.  Recently, the development of serum tests for three different antibodies of the IgA isotype made it possible to modify these guidelines for coeliac disease.  These revised ESPGAN criteria include: a) a single positive gut biopsy and b) the demonstration of at least two of the three IgA class antibodies against gliadin, endomysium or transglutaminase.
The enzyme tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) has been reported to be the main, if not sole, target for endomysial antibodies.  These antibodies fall once a gluten-free diet has begun, thus facilitating monitoring of dietary compliance.  Presence of IgG antibodies against tTG are a highly sensitive marker for coeliac diesease with 95-100 % and has a specificity of 90 to 97%3-6.

1. Williams, C.N. Celiac disease: Past, present and future. Can. J. Gastroenterol., 1997, 11:647-649.
2. Sollid, L.M. Coeliac diasease: Dissecting a complex inflammatory disorder. Nature Rev., 2002, 2:647-655.
3. Fesus, L., And M. Piacentini. Transglutaminase 2: an enigmatic enzyme with diverse functions. Trends Biochem. Sci., 2002, 27:534-539.
4. Dieterich, W. Et al. Serum antibodies in Celiac Disease. Clin. Lab., 2000, 46:361-364.
5. Dieterich, W. Et al. Autoantibodies to tissue Transglutaminase as predictors of celiac disease. Gastroenterol., 1998, 115:1317-1321.
6. Dieterich, W. Et al., Identification of tissue transglutaminase as the autoantigen of celiac disease. Nature Med., 1997, 3:797-801.


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Code: DKO109
Clinical Area: ,
Incubation: 30+30+15 min
Sensitivity: 81%
Specificity: 90.0%
Classification: IVD, CE
Number of Tests: 96
Sample Type: Serum/Plasma
Sample Volume: 10 µL (1:100 predilution)
Assay Range: N/A