C-Peptide ELISA

Key Features and Values

– High sensitivity assays provide accurate measurements leading to improved performance in clinical use
– Same sample type can be used across all assays to simplify inclusion into routine serology work-up and provide a cost effective solution
– Long shelf life cost-effective solution by reducing wastage due to expired kits
– Suitable for inclusion on automated plate systems simplifies scale-up of test volume
– Supported by a panel of assays for supporting early detection and differential diagnosis of diabetes type I and II

Product Description

C-Peptide ELISA kit is a direct solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of C-Peptide in human serum or plasma. C-Peptide ELISA kit is intended for laboratory use only.

Scientific Description

C-Peptide is the abbreviation for connecting peptide, it is a 31-amminoacid peptide.  C-Peptide of insulin is the C-terminal cleavage product produced during processing of the insulin prohormone to the mature insulin molecule.  Proinsulin is cleaved when it is released from the pancreas into the blood – with one C-Peptide for each insulin molecule.  C-Peptide is devoid of any biological activity but appears to be necessary to maintain the structural integrity of Insulin.  In-vitro determination of Insulin and C-Peptide level help in the differential diagnosis of liver disease, acromegaly, Cushing sindrome, familial glucose intolerance, insulinimia, renal failure, ingestion of accidental oral hypoglicemic drugs or C-Peptide induced factitious hypoglicemia.
Newly diagnosed diabetes patient often get their C-Peptide levels measured, to find if they have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.  The pancreas of patients with type 1 diabetes is unable to produce insulin and they will therefore usually have a decreased level of C-Peptide; while C-Peptide levels in type 2 patients is normal or higher than normal.  Measuring C-Peptide in patients injecting insulin can help to determine how much of their own natural insulin these patients are still producing.
C-Peptide assays may be analytically more sensitive than insulin assays.  Measurement of the C-Peptide may be useful in evaluating endogenous insulin secretion in a variety of clinical conditions.  Insulin and C-Peptide are secreted into portal circulation in equimolar concentrations, fasting levels of C-Peptide are 5 – 10 fold higher than those of Insulin owing to the longer half-life of C-Peptide.  The liver does not extract C-Peptide however; it is removed from the circulation by degradation in the kidneys with a fraction passing out unchanged in urine.  Hence the urine C-Peptide levels correlate well with fasting C-Peptide levels in serum.

Complementary Products


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Code: DKO077
Clinical Area:
Incubation: 120+15 min
Sensitivity: N/A
Specificity: N/A
Classification: IVD, CE
Number of Tests: 96
Sample Type: Serum/Plasma
Sample Volume: 50 μL
Assay Range: 0.2-10 ng/mL